🥇Badges & Multipliers

🏅 Badges & Multipliers

At TON Capital, we’ve implemented a comprehensive rewards system to recognize and incentivize the contributions of our community members during Season 1 Expedition. Participants have the opportunity to earn various badges based on their engagement, participation, and purchases. These badges will not only signify status within the community but also play a critical role in determining the Badges each participant accumulates, which will translate into rewards at the end of the season.

Badge Categories

We have structured our badges into four main categories that reflect the different ways community members can participate and contribute:

  1. 🎖️ Battlefield 1: Node Founder Badges

    • Awarded for purchasing Airdrop Nodes during the Pre-Sale Round.

    • These badges symbolize early commitment and come with exclusive benefits, including the potential to earn rewards before the official airdrop of $TONCAP tokens in early 2025.

  2. 💻 Battlefield 2: SocialFi Badges

    • Awarded for active participation in SocialFi platforms like Intract, Zealy, QuestN, TaskOn, and Galxe.

    • These badges are designed for those who excel at completing campaigns and tasks across TON Capital's partner platforms.

  3. 📋 Battlefield 3: Access Badges

    • Given to participants who secure special privileges, such as whitelisting or becoming official ambassadors.

    • These badges unlock exclusive access within the community and provide additional opportunities for rewards.

  4. 📢 Battlefield 4: Engagement Badges

    • Awarded for active participation and contributions within the TON Capital community. These include creating content, participating in discussions, or solving community challenges.

    • These badges are designed to recognize community members who drive engagement and contribute meaningfully.

Badge Rarity

Each badge also comes in one of four rarity levels, with higher levels conferring greater Reward Multipliers:

  • Basic: Common badges that are relatively easy to earn.

  • Rare: More challenging badges that require higher engagement or participation.

  • Epic: Significantly harder to achieve, these badges are reserved for top contributors.

  • Legendary: Extremely difficult to obtain, Legendary Badges are reserved for the highest performers in the community.

Badge Reward Multipliers

Each badge comes with a Rewards Multiplier that will determine the number of points awarded per badge. Higher-tier badges will carry a larger multiplier, allowing participants to exponentially increase their points and overall rewards. Accumulated points will play a key role in determining the size of each participant’s final reward allocation.

The Capitalist Points Multipliers for each badge rarity are as follows:

  • Basic: 1x multiplier

  • Rare: 1.5x multiplier

  • Epic: 2x multiplier

  • Legendary: 5x multiplier

By accumulating more & more badges, participants will increase their chances of receiving a larger share of the prize pool at the end of Season 1.


The Badges & Multipliers system ensures that participation in TON Capital Season 1 is both fair and rewarding. Whether you’re a major buyer in the Pre-Sale, an active participant in SocialFi, or an enthusiastic community member, there’s an opportunity to earn real rewards that reflect your level of engagement. The more badges you collect and the rarer they are, the bigger your final reward will be.

Be sure to monitor your progress and badge accumulation in real-time on our Discord, where badges will be reflected in the form of Roles and will be updated regularly throughout Season 1.

Last updated